Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blog #1

I have never blogged before so this is all new to me. If I'm not using the correct format, etc., please bear with me, and I'll learn.

I found the Intro. to be useful in providing a general overview of the course. The Renninger & Shumar Chapters 1 and 2 discussed many interesting things/concepts, etc., as well.

It is amazing to think how far the Internet and World Wide Web have come in these years. It wasn't all that long ago that this technology was created, developed and only utilized by the military or hardcore academia. As it trickled down, everyone became acquainted with this new technology. I remember way back when my husband and I were fresh undergraduates, we would have to stand in line at the computer labs around campus to get on a computer. Not that many students back then had their own computers. And now, it is almost like a telephone - everyone has one; parents, etc. In addition to their academic importance, I think the most wonderful thing about this technology is that it allows one to keep in touch with their long-lost friends or faraway family members where once this was nearly impossible to do. I wonder what the future will be like? Computers and technology already handle/offload a lot of the tasks and thinking that was once reserved only for humans.

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